Dominic (Dom's) Story: From Brutal Injuries to a Loving Home

January 2024 we reached out for help to save Dominic (Dom), a tiny kitten battling brutal injuries and looming blindness. BMD asked for assistance with funding to cover surgeries and his ongoing care.

August 2024 we advised that Dom was ready for his forever home.

Funding appeal and Dom's Rescue story

23 August 2024: A Heartwarming Conclusion

We are thrilled to share the joyous finale to Dominic's (Dom) remarkable eight-month journey. Our brave little warrior has found his forever home with a compassionate soul named Laura. In a beautiful twist of fate, Dom's feline companion, Puss Puss, has also been adopted into the same loving household.

Dom and Puss Puss have seamlessly integrated into Laura's family, which includes other rescue cats and dogs. Initially brought along as Dom's support, Puss Puss found himself relying on Dom's courage when faced with the unfamiliar presence of dogs. In a touching display of bravery, Dom positioned himself between the dogs and Puss Puss, demonstrating that there was nothing to fear. Thanks to Dom's reassurance, Puss Puss has overcome his initial trepidation and now coexists peacefully with his canine housemates.

Dom's adventurous spirit remains undiminished. He continues to amaze us with his fearless antics, scaling Laura's tall scratching post with ease. His resilience and zest for life are truly inspiring. What's more, Dom has formed an unexpected friendship with a dog named Milo, further proving his adaptability and loving nature.

We are overjoyed that Dom and Puss Puss have found such a wonderful forever home. Their story is a testament to the power of love, patience, and the indomitable spirit of animals who have overcome adversity.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported Dom throughout his journey. Your generosity, compassion, and unwavering support have made this happy ending possible. Because of you, Dom and Puss Puss now have the chance to live their best lives, surrounded by love and care.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible story of resilience and hope. Your support enables us to continue our mission of rescuing and rehoming cats in need, creating more happy endings like Dom's.

Dom Happy Ending - A tale of triumph and New Beginnings

Dom lapping up the love with Laura in his forever home

Dom and Milo Happy Ending - A tale of triumph and New Beginnings

Dom and his new, rather large, sibling Milo.

Help Save Fearless Feline, Dom

Dom - early days

29 July 2024 - Dom's Progress:

After seven challenging months, Dom has made a remarkable recovery. Thanks to dedicated care and support, he's now "fighting fit" and ready for his next adventure. Contrary to earlier concerns, Dom's remaining eye doesn't require removal. He can see shadows and only needs occasional cream when his eye gets weepy. The bump on his nose, a remnant of his early injuries, doesn't hinder his zest for life.

Dom has blossomed into a charismatic and affectionate cat, earning the nickname "ladies' man" for his love of attention and cuddles. He's becoming less reckless with age but retains his charming, daredevil spirit. Dom gets along well with other cats and has formed a close friendship with Puss Puss and Meow Meow, and he would thrive in a home with feline companions.

While Dom's future vet care needs are limited, he does have special requirements. Due to his partial blindness and loss of smell, Dom relies on other cats to guide him to food and water. He must be adopted into a home with another cat, either one of his current companions or a resident cat willing to accept him. Potential adopters should be aware that Dom is still prone to accidents due to his visual impairment.

6 June 2024 - Dom's Progress:

Dom's Courageous Journey

Funding Appeal for the Courageous Dom

Dom, the resilient feline warrior, has faced yet another battle at just 6 months old.

After a harrowing bout of pneumonia that put his vet work on hold, he has triumphantly recovered, ready to conquer his next challenges. Scheduled for desexing, Dom will subsequently undergo surgery to remove his remaining eye, which has become a source of discomfort as his head has grown.

The extent of the damage inflicted on his nose is now evident, necessitating a CT scan to assess the severity and determine the best course of action. Despite the adversities he has endured, Dom remains a beacon of love and affection, purring endlessly and embracing life with unwavering spirit.

This little daredevil's favorite moments are spent curled up on Christine's lap, finding solace in the warmth of companionship. While all BMD cats and kittens hold a special place in our hearts, Dom's journey is truly extraordinary, a testament to the resilience of the feline spirit.

5 April 2024 - Dom's Progress:

Courage Amidst Darkness

Help Save Fearless Feline, Dom

Our resilient rescue kitten, Dominic (Dom), has sadly lost his sight completely. A recent visit to the vet confirmed that he can no longer see, and the upcoming four weeks present an anxious waiting time. If needed, he may require the removal of his only remaining eye. Determined to aid Dom, his foster mum, Christine, and his vet team are doing everything possible to salvage his remaining eye and ensure the best care despite this setback.

Yet, Dom's blindness hasn't dimmed his spirit. He continues to be the most loving, affectionate kitten, undeterred by the darkness that surrounds him. Despite the challenges we face in our rescue work - the shortage of foster carers, financial strains, and complex medical cases - Dom's resilience and spirit shine through.

Occasionally, we encounter situations that sear the heart and make our mission arduous. Yet, we endure, thanks to our compassionate community. We cannot thank enough those who have rallied around Dom, helping him on his arduous journey.

As we strive to provide the best care for Dominic, we need your support. By sharing Dom's story and spreading the word about BMD Cat Welfare, you can help us raise the funds we desperately need, increase our chances of finding potential adopters, and even recruit more foster carers. Please, share Dom's story with your friends and family. Every single contribution matters, and together, we can make a significant difference in Dom's life.

15 March 2024 - Dominic Update:


Help Save Fearless Feline, Dom

Six weeks on from his eye-removal surgery, Dom isn't just surviving, he's thriving. Despite the horrific abuse he suffered, which included severe injuries to both eyes, Dom is gaining weight and his wounds are making an excellent recovery.

There's still a chance that a second surgery will be necessary to remove his remaining injured eye - but you wouldn't guess it from his behaviuor. Dom's lack of vision doesn't deter him from living a full life. Climbing, jumping, and playfully scurrying through his small cat tunnel are just a few of his favourite activities. With fearless determination, Dom has truly proven to be a little daredevil.

The sweetest part of all? He absolutely adores curling up on his foster mum, Christine's shoulder for a snooze. As he purrs away contentedly, or as Christine puts it— 'keeps his little engine running at top speed,’—you can’t help but feel admiration for this brave, resilient, and loving little cat.

13 February 2024 - Dom Update:

A Journey of Resilience:

We are excited to share some positive progress. Today, Dom had his stitches removed, marking a milestone on his road to recovery. The brave little warrior is thriving, having gained weight and showing remarkable improvement in his wounds.

However, the fate of Dom's remaining eye hangs in the balance as the next two weeks will determine if he can hold onto it or if it will need to be removed. The veterinary team, astounded by his indomitable spirit, continue to be amazed by his fighting attitude and unwavering will to live. Dom received countless kisses from the caring staff at the vet clinic, basking in the love and support.

While he continues to be on medication, we remain hopeful that Dom will keep moving forward on his journey. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has generously donated towards Dom's medical expenses thus far. Your contributions have made a significant difference in his life.

Nevertheless, the vet bills continue to accumulate, and we humbly request your ongoing support. Together, we can ensure that Dom receives the best care possible as he perseveres through his challenges and embraces a bright future. Let's stand by Dom and give him the chance for a new beginning.

Dom's Story - Six Weeks On:

Six weeks on from his eye-removal surgery, Dom isn't just surviving, he's thriving. Despite the horrific abuse he suffered, which included severe injuries to both eyes, Dom is gaining weight and his wounds are making an excellent recovery.

There's still a chance that a second surgery will be necessary to remove his remaining injured eye - but you wouldn't guess it from his behaviuor. Dom's lack of vision doesn't deter him from living a full life. Climbing, jumping, and playfully scurrying through his small cat tunnel are just a few of his favourite activities. With fearless determination, Dom has truly proven to be a little daredevil.

The sweetest part of all? He absolutely adores curling up on his foster mum, Christine's shoulder for a snooze. As he purrs away contentedly, or as Christine puts it— 'keeps his little engine running at top speed,’—you can’t help but feel admiration for this brave, resilient, and loving little cat.

Help Save Fearless Feline, Dom

Dom after operation to remove right eye

Help Save Fearless Feline, Dom

Before first eye surgery

Dom's Story:

1 January 2024

Help save Dom, a tiny miraculous kitten battling brutal injuries and looming blindness. Help fund his ongoing care and upcoming surgeries.

An early morning for work in Penrith transformed into a rescue mission for a compassionate gentleman named Dave when he discovered a severely abused kitten barely four weeks old. Recognising the little one's dire needs, Dave sprang into action, refusing to accept the suggestion of euthanasia due to the severity of the kitten's injuries. His heroic efforts led him to the prodigiously dedicated team at BMD Cat Welfare and the capable hands of the veterinary superheroes at Hartley Valley Vets.

Our brave kitten, affectionately named Dom (Dominic), suffered extensive bodily wounds, trauma to his head, damaged eyes, and was feverish when he was found. However, the immediate intravenous feeding and subsequent round-the-clock care by the staff from Hartley Valley Vets not only saved his life but also shaped his story of resilience.

Undeterred by his frailty, Dom chose life and compassion, holding on to his nurse’s hand as he underwent the painful operation of removing one of his brutally damaged eyes. His journey, however, doesn't end here. He must now endure a second surgery to remove his remaining injured eye, leading him into a world of darkness. Yet, Dom continues to astonish with his impactful trust, adaptability, and tenacity.

Despite being thrown into darkness, his spirit hums to the warmth of a cuddle and he confidently finds his way to the litter tray and food bowl.  We're actively looking for a suitable kitten companion to serve as Dom's guiding light as he navigates his way in this newfound darkness.

Dave's astonishing compassion and action combined with the Vets' dedication has given Dom a fighting chance. We're asking you to be part of this fight too. The costs of Dom's surgeries, intensive care, potential future care, and his upcoming eye removal operation are enormous.

Please consider making a donation to help fund Dom's continued journey of recovery, courage, and life.

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